Year 5
Teachers: Miss Hartshorne
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Greenhough
Year 5 in Pictures 2024/2025
Welcome to the year 5 class page
PE Information
Pale blue round neck t-shirt
Navy PE shorts or PE skirt
Tracksuit and trainers to wear for outdoor PE lessons
Please ensure all PE kit is labelled with your child's name.
PE lessons for Year 5 are every third Wednesday and every Thursday. Your child is asked to come to school wearing their outdoor PE kit on this day.
Swimming lessons for Year 5 are on a Wednesday. The 3rd Wednesday of each month the pool is closed. Children are asked to come to school in their PE kits on that week.
Reading Books
Reading books need to be in school every day.
Homework is handed out on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Friday.
Spellings are handed out on a Friday for a spelling test the following Friday.
Times tables are tested daily.
Learning Links