Painthorpe Lane, Crigglestone, Wakefield, WF4 3HW.

Tel: 01924 303520,

Mackie Hill Junior and Infant School

kind hearts, ambitious minds

Year 4

Teachers: Mrs Catterick 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jennings & Mrs Lillis

Year 4 Curriculum Information for Parents

Welcome to the year 4 class page

In Year 4 we work together as a team and support each other in everything we do. We work hard and try our best and we do this in a fun and caring way. Whether we are good at maths, or art or PE or history, we will celebrate our successes and achievements together.

The year 4 multiplication tables check is coming up in June 2024 for our year 4 pupils. Please take a look at this parent guide to find out more. Thanks, Mrs Catterick

PE Information

Pale blue round neck t-shirt

Navy PE shorts or PE skirt

Tracksuit and trainers to wear for outdoor PE lessons - this can be any colour/style to help reduce costs

Please ensure all PE kit is labelled with your child's name.

PE lessons for Year 4 are on a Monday & Thursday. Your child is asked to come to school wearing their outdoor PE kit on this day.



Year 4 in Pictures 2024/2025

Reading Books

Children need to have their reading books in school every day. Our expectation is that children read at least 3 times a week at home. This can either be the home reading book we send or a book of their choosing. Please can an adult sign the home reading record every time a child reads at home and the same will be done when at school.

In addition, the children also have a ‘reading for pleasure’ time. This is where we as a class, sit comfortably and spend time diving into a book. This can sometimes be as a class or individually. The children are really beginning to love this time of the day.

Library – Year 4 visit the school library on a Monday. They enjoy getting to choose their own book from the vast selection in our library. We also enjoy quiet reading time in this environment too.

Year 4 Multiplication Check

This year the children will prepare for the Year 4 times table assessment set by the government. 10 minutes per day practising their times tables will really help them to pick up speed and can be done in a number of ways including TT Rockstars (an excellent online resource that the children love to use) and practising orally through chanting out loud or asking questions to each other about their target times tables.


We send out a Topic based homework sheet which the children choose tasks from to complete. We expect a piece of homework completed every couple of weeks. This allows children time then to focus on reading, spellings and timestables weekly.

Learning Links