School reopening update - Arrangements from 1st June19 May 2020 (by admin) |
Following the government’s recent announcement to reopen schools on a phased return, we are making the necessary plans to ensure that our school is safe for our children, families and staff.
The expectation is that on Monday 1st June children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will return along with children of key workers and those children deemed as vulnerable for a variety of different reasons.
The government is then hoping that all other primary year groups will return to school before the end of the summer term.
The government has issued guidance for schools which we will adhere to at all times. Being compliant to this guidance means that the school experience for your child will change. I know the below information will be important to you when you are deciding if your child should return to school.
In line with government advice the following will be put in place should schools reopen:
Your child will be in a class of between 6-9 children to maintain social distancing of 2m;
Your child may not be with their teacher but I will plan for members of staff working within the same key stage the best I can;
They may be in a different classroom using different cloakrooms and toilet facilities;
The guidance says children should not mix with other groups at playtime and lunchtimes and therefore play and lunchtimes will be staggered;
Lunch will be eaten in classrooms to reduce movement around school. Children will have a cold/packed lunch option they can order.
If your child becomes ill with covid-19 symptoms at school, you will be contacted immediately to collect them. Your children will be taken to a safe room, away from other children but remaining with a member of staff while you collect them.
Children must wear clean, freshly washed clothes each day. If children do not have enough school uniform to wear each day they can wear comfortable clothes suitable for the weather. If children have outgrown school uniform they can also wear alternative clothes from home.
The school day will start and end with staggered times. Only one family member will be allowed on site when bringing children to school and when collecting them. Parents will be expected to stand in line 2m apart from other parents. Siblings in other year groups should remain at home if this is possible.
The guidance explains that before and after school clubs are not able to run as it will mix different groups of pupils and staff together. Unfortunately, the extended school provision will remain closed until it is safe to reopen it.
I will be updating the website with drop off and collection times for each class next week as soon as I have confirmed numbers from all parents and I have completed the necessary risk assessments. I understand that sending your child to school at the moment is a difficult decision to make. We are taking every precaution during this challenging time and safety for all is our main concern.
Thank you for your support at this extremely challenging time.
Keep safe and take care,
Mrs Elliott and Mackie Hill Staff