Home Learners12 January 2021 (by admin) |
We are completely overwhelmed by the amazing work our home learners are producing. Keep sharing you work on twitter @mackiehill and by returning work to our homework email address homework@mackiehill.wakefield.sch.uk
Work can either be returned daily or at the end of the week. Teachers will not be returning work once it has been sent into school. It shall be marked and kept in school along with their other classroom work. It is important that we are able to provide feedback to help children with their learning. We will do this in a number of different ways:
-Children will be invited to remain on zoom calls after lessons to ask questions or for additional input from the teacher.
- Older children will be invited to smaller group zoom meetings so they have the opportunity to discuss learning with their teacher.
-Classroom staff will telephone home to discuss learning with adults and children. Adults at home can also contact school to request a phone call.
- Towards the end of a week or the end of a unit of work, some classes will set longer written or mathematical tasks that can be returned to school via the homework inbox. This independent learning will provide an overview of children’s next steps in learning and assist with planning for the coming week.
If at any point you feel you need to speak to someone at school, then please telephone and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Thank you, Mrs Elliott.