Painthorpe Lane, Crigglestone, Wakefield, WF4 3HW.

Tel: 01924 303520,

Mackie Hill Junior and Infant School

'Learning for you, Learning for Life'

  1. News
  2. Leavers


20 July 2016 (by admin)

Goodbye and good luck at all those leaving Mackie Hill in the Summer term.

Good luck to all our Year 6 children that are moving on to high school this term. We hope that you are able to take away some wonderful memories of your time at Mackie Hill; you have all been a wonderful credit to our school and we wish you every success in the future. We would also like to say a fond farewell to Mrs Pearson who will be leaving us this term. Mrs Pearson came to us as a student teacher in September and successfully completed her placement in Fabulous Foxes. She quickly became part of the Mackie Hill family and has been a real asset to our school.